Thanks to Wesley Fryer (and his informants!) I watched this movie from Vanessa Van Petten which explains her view of the ‘why’ of social networking.
It reminded me of the trouble I am in with simple email – the ability it has brought to maintain half-baked relationships with altogether too many people, and thus fail most of them. I have termed this ‘relationship productivity’ and view it as troublesome, but to a teenager it is real power. The issues of identity and privacy are easier for me to enjoy/control, and I reckon I get a buzz from them just like the modern teenager.
Thanks for posting this Richard! Just last night I was driving home from a session working with teachers where the discussion was around how can we better integrate social networking into learning. A teacher from Horohoro had discovered a local community social networking site that her class was really keen to use – so the staff discussed the why, what and how. All were positive to go there, but concerned about teaching the privacy and responsibility thing. This will not stop them from using it in their programme – as it will allow the class to learn through a medium they love.
The previous evening with a different school we discussed whether or not technology is driving human and social qualities out. Indeed, as Vanessa says – social networking sites are enabling us to connect more with others and take a greater interest in greater networks. Through this the qualities that create human greatness can be enhanced and widened. Of course the opposite can happen, so we need to embrace the human elements of greatness through social networking sites working in our learning opportunities with children!
hi richard! Thanks for posting my video. I know it is really hard for parents to connect–literally connect with their kids in the techy environment. I have a lot of posts at my blog explaining how parents can get involved and keep kids safe in really basic terms, please do check it out!
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